46. The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I would like to thank Miranda Paige at http://echosonomatopoeia.wordpress.com/about-me-not-in-love-with-narcissus/ for nominating me for ‘THE VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD’. This is my first nomination for an award since I started blogging last May. So it is very special!!

Part of the award is that I tell you Seven things about myself.

1-    I discovered that I liked to write a couple of years ago. Since then I don’t seem to be able to stop nor do I want to.

2-    I am a storyteller. I love imagining intricate stories and telling them to whoever is willing to listen.

3-    I love being a mom to my three wonderful grown up children.

4-    I am a fervent Jane Austen fan.

5-    Cooking old fashion family recipes has become one of my hobbies.

6-    I am trying my hand at photography with my father’s old ‘fujica’ camera.

7-    I love going to the movies.

This is the list of 15 bloggers I admire and read and would like to nominate for “The inspirational blogger award”.

1- Paris en photographie  http://mariadesuede.wordpress.com/about/

2- Lantern Post  http://lanternpost2012.wordpress.com/about/

3- The Adult Ballerina Project  http://adultballerinaproject.com/about-the-adult-ballerina-project/

4- Postcards form Budapest  http://lavagabondebudapest.wordpress.com/about/

5- Kittrell Country Life  http://kittrellcountrylife.wordpress.com/about/

6- A Nature Mom  http://anaturemom.com/about/

7- OverwhelmedByJoy  http://overwhelmedbyjoy.wordpress.com/about

8- Thirdeyemom  http://thirdeyemom.com/about/

9- Sue Ann’s Balcony  http://sueannm66.wordpress.com/about/

10- danajoward  http://danajoward.wordpress.com/

11- Retirement 365  http://retirement365.wordpress.com/about/

12- patriciaddrury  http://patriciaddrury.com/about

13- Kami’s beautiful Morning  http://kamisbeautifulmorning.wordpress.com/about/

14- mybeautifulthings   http://mybeautfulthings.wordpress.com/about/

15- gigglingnanny  http://grannyslittleprojects.wordpress.com/about/

Very Inspiring Blogger Award Rules

1-    Display the award logo on your blog

2-    Link back to the person who nominated you.

3-    State seven things about yourself.

4-    Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5-    Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

13 thoughts on “46. The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: The Very Inspiring Blogger Award « Paris en photographies

  2. Pingback: Poem: Awarded « Grannys Little Projects

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